What comes to mind when you hear ABATE Of Indiana?

Discussion in 'Central – From Da Nort Woods to the Plane States' started by alpiv, Oct 31, 2011.

  1. alpiv

    alpiv Sr. nOOb

    Dec 1, 2004
    Homosassa, Fl
    To all those who read and have replied.
    Thank you!

    Many have expressed some of the same things I've heard in person and third party.

    I'm working and so are others to change many of these perceptions.
    True an organization be it for-profit or not-for-profit is only as good as it's weakest link.

    The members of ABATE of Indiana come from all walks of life and all have different perceptions of us too.

    Granted I've only been a working/non-paid office for over a year now, yet I've haven't met a member I didn't like.
    All of them are hard working American's just trying to enjoy life (freely) and make a difference.

    This past year has been an eye opener and a hell of a learning experience for me, and with out the ABATE of Indiana members, I wouldn't have learned as much as I have.

    Just like most things, first impressions speak volumes, yet given the opportunity, I believe myself and my brothers/sisters can win you over.

    Please don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch..

    I write a monthly article in the Hoosier Motorcyclist and my next articular should open some eyes and I hopping minds and harts.

    Once it has gone to publication, I will share it with ADVRider Members......

    Until then, thank you for you honest opinions. They are appreciated, valued and are heard.

    Al Pivonka
    ABATE of Indiana -- Region 11 Rep. (And all around good guy).
  2. oPAULo

    oPAULo jack of all terrain Supporter

    Nov 21, 2008
    Bedford, Indiana
    Aside from that 1 weekend per year, they are mandatory.

    The outlaws:freaky

  3. RoadDad

    RoadDad n13ub Supporter

    Oct 14, 2006
    Jasper, Indiana
    Who's that behind those Foster Grants?:super